
Want To Motivate And Manage Your Rural Sales Team To Their Maximum So You Can Make More Sales?

If you are a new Rural Sales Manager or existing National / Area Rural Sales Manager who wants to become better, this course has been created specifically for you.

Here's what you'll learn in our exclusive

Rural Sales Manager Mastery™ Programme:

Rural Sales Manager Master Programme

  • How to manage yourself before you manage others

  • Measuring the 3 metrics that matter most in sales (and 1 x BONUS Metric you should)

  • How to run successful sales meetings that your sales teams love not loathe

  • How to properly evaluate prospect pipelines to avoid nasty sales surprises

  • How to manage you and your team's time to maximize your productivity

  • How to recruit and retain your high rural sales performers

  • How to performance manage your low performers up or out

  • How to run perfect performance appraisals that get you the right results

  • If you are some who knows they have a deeper potential and can create bigger impact for them and the team they are in charge of, this programme is made for you

  • Take a sneak-peek of the programme and its 9 modules (and 2 x Bonus modules) here

Managing Yourself

Managing and leading yourself before you

manage and lead others is a vital skill that the

best rural sales managers master.

We will teach you how to:

  • "Sharpen your own saw" so you don't become obsolete as a manager

  • Aligning standards for yourself vs. standards for others

  • Using reflection to improve effective action

  • The difference between doing mode and reflecting mode

  • Avoid you being blind-sided by your blind spots

  • Why efficiency doesn't equal effectiveness

  • Gain the respect you deserve from a position of knowledge rather than a position of power

Lifetime access to the programme

Access to all downloadable cheat sheets

"63% of companies reported their sales managers do not have the skills and competencies they need as their sales model evolves. 9% say their sales managers don’t have the skills to be successful in their role currently." Sales Executive Council

Rural Sales Manager Mastery Programme

Rural Sales Manager Mastery Programme

Managing & Motivating Others

Maximising the performance of your team is your number one priority as a manager.

We will teach you how to:

  • Use the power of asking vs. telling

  • Use competence to build competence

  • Properly assess prospect pipeline using our top 10 signals

  • Run successful and effective sales meetings

  • Coach your team constructively

  • Conduct critical performance appraisals safely

  • Segment your sales team so you can get them to perform

Lifetime access to the programme

Access to all downloadable cheat sheets

"Just 38% of sellers report their manager helps them develop the skills they need for their role today, while only 34% report their manager helps them develop the skills they need for the future." Gartner Research

Making More Sales

Your success as a rural sales manager is defined by the sales success of yourrural sales team.

We will teach you how to:

  • Sell your team on CRM (and why they resist it)

  • Measure the metrics that matter most

  • Train your time on the value of their time using Time Diaries

  • Power up their and your productivity

  • Recruit and retain your rural rock stars

  • Use our Save Script® to save your rural rock stars' books from being bought

  • How to negotiate without being needy

Lifelong access to the programme

Access to all downloadable cheat sheets

Rural Sales Manager Mastery Programme

* We work exclusively and only in the rural and agribusiness sectors having trained and taught hundreds of agronomy, rural service professionals, real estate, genetics, animal health, dairy, agritech, farm machinery, fertiliser and feed companies.

We guarantee a 5% lift in sales within the first 120 days our training methodology has been proven to be applied and followed.

Failing that we will work with you and your team until you do, or we'll refund every single cent immediately.

©2022 Rural Sales Success